Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is often referred to as "organic marketing" and uses natural processes to promote your website on the search engine results page. Being well-placed in the search results can make a tremendous difference in the number of visitors you get and how your business grows. How do you think people will search for your web page? The words you imagine them typing into the search box are your target keywords.
If you are interested in our search engine optimization techniques, we will work with your company to formulate keywords related to your company's core competencies. We will then utilize this information to completely optimize your website. An optimized site will allow someone who wants what your company offers to easily find YOU, in turn creating a business transaction or a qualified lead.
Now that we have explained what Search Engine Optimization is, what are some of the factors to getting good listings?
Well chosen domain names
Quality page names
Keyword analysis research - experience and hard work will prevail
Meta tags - unique and relevent
Relative site content, unique to the search phrases used on the page
Use heading tags, within the content
Proper keyword density
Optimized link structures
Providing new content regularly
Statistical Analysis
As you can see, there is a lot more than meets the eye when trying to rank "organically" high amongst the most popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
SEO ensures that your website is in compliance with search engine best practice to deliver the most relevant content and best user experience.
If you would like more information on how Cyberonyx can assist your company with SEO, please contact us today to get started.
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